Use of Certification Marks
We share our terms and conditions for using the certification marks with our valued clients to ensure they can meet the certification and accreditation requirements.
GCC Logo and Certification Marks
- Clients may only use the Certification Mark corresponding to the standard(s) and the scope that Certification is based on.
- Clients can only use a Certification Mark, which they have been provided with a valid Certificate of Conformity.
- Clients with multiple sites can only use the Certification Mark corresponding to the site(s) that they have been certified. The Certification Mark must not be used in any way to create an assumption that not included sites are certified.
- The Certification Mark may be shown on Client’s letters and other public relations material such as business cards, website and email signature.
- The Certification Mark must not be used on product or in any way to create an assumption that it is a product Certification Mark or that a product has been certified.
- The Certification Mark must only be shown in standard size and design. Standard size and design may be obtained from GCC on request.
- The Certification Mark must never be shown as larger than Client’s own logo, but the certification Mark must always be shown in its entirety.
- Client will consult with GCC in respect of use of the Certification Mark if necessary.
- In case of suspension or withdrawal of a certificate client must discontinue its use of all advertising matter containing a reference to Certification.
- In case of incorrect reference to Certification status or misleading use of certification documents or marks, GCC may request corrective actions, suspension or withdrawal of certificate, publication of the transgression or, if necessary, legal action.
- The Certification Mark must not be applied to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports, as such reports are deemed to be products in this context.

- The client may place the Accreditation Symbol adjacent to the name and/or certification marks of GCC and own logo.
- The dimensions of the JAS-ANZ Symbol and the GCC certification mark are proportionately equal.
- The Accreditation Symbol is only to be reproduced in the colour combination shown here. These colours are: [PMS Reflex (Blue) and PMS 485 (Red)].
- However, the symbol may be reproduced in a single colour to conform to existing pre-printed stationery or newspaper and magazine articles.
- The URL for the JAS-ANZ register (www.jas-anz.org/register) must be displayed. If the Accreditation Symbol is used more than once in the same document, the URL need only appear in the first instance.
- The Accreditation Symbol may be uniformly enlarged or reduced but shall be sufficiently large for the wording to be clearly legible.
- The Accreditation Symbol may be embossed or stamped when used on paper.
- Electronic copies of the JAS-ANZ symbol may be obtained from the GCC office.
Notification of Changes
Clients are required to notify GCC immediately if:
- There is any change in the direct or indirect beneficial ownership or control of the business
- Any significant events including, but not limited to:
- Fatal incidents
- Serious injuries
- Occupational disease
- Environmental disaster/accident
- Legal action by a regulatory authority or interested party. (Any audit report/finding by any third party need to be reported to GCC in next surveillance audit)
- Ceasing to carry on business
- Ceasing to be able to pay its debts as they become due
Suspension and Withdrawal of Certification
A Certificate may be suspended, withdrawn or cancelled for a limited period or permanently in situations such as the following:
- Failure to meet the requirements for maintaining the certification of management systems, relevant legislation requirements, or the certification agreement.
- Failure to take effective corrective actions to identified non-conformities within the set time limit
- Failure to pay the fees due upon written notice from GCC
- Improper use of the certification status, the Certificate of Registration, or the GCC and/or JAS-ANZ Certification mark or logos
- If the client voluntarily and officially requested a suspension in writing
- Failure to undergo a surveillance audit according to certification program set by GCC

Important Note: The use of the GCC certification mark is authorised only for clients who hold a valid certificate issued by GCC for the corresponding standard. Any unauthorised use, misuse, or misrepresentation of the GCC logo or certification mark may result in legal action to protect the integrity of our certification process and brand.

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