NSW Work Health and Safety Guidelines (NSW WHS)

WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines

About NSW Work Health and Safety Guidelines (NSW WHS)

These NSW WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines apply to NSW government construction projects and provide the framework for applying a systematic approach to the management of a safe working environment.

The NSW Government Construction Agencies have agreed that their construction contractors will be required to develop and implement WHS Management Systems and plans consistent with these Guidelines.

Creating an Acceptable Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) System

These guidelines may apply to construction project and has been put in place to:

  • Improve safety in the construction industry
  • Establish a consistent approach to WHS systems across the industry
  • Support the Government’s work health and safety laws
  • Improve planning to mitigate the chance of accidents

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Focus of NSW WHS Guidelines

  • Provide a consistent approach to plan and implement safety management systems
    Improve workplace safety for all construction industry workers
  • Update the WHS Management Plan and submit to the relevant government agency
  • Implement the WHS Management Plan
  • Identify personnel responsible and qualified for WHS processes
  • Identify internal audit and review requirements
  • Develop and submit regular WHS management reports
  • Report WHS incidents
  • Periodic audits of the WHS System and Plan
  • Comply with work health and safety laws

Benefits of NSW WHS Certification

  • Improves safety outcomes for all construction industry participants
  • Provides a consistent minimum standard across all NSW government construction projects that industry participants must meet
  • Facilitates a safety management systems approach by construction contractors reducing accidents
  • Supports NSW government agencies in demonstrating they are meeting their obligations under Work Health and Safety laws
  • Reduces the risk of accidents and their associated costs
  • Reduces public liability insurance costs
  • Improves the management of health and safety risks, both now, and in the future
  • Provides a comfortable and safe workplace for employees

Note: This program is not accredited by JAS-ANZ.

Certification Process

Certification involves GCC assessing your organisation in order to ascertain that management systems meet the requirements of one or more recognised standards. Becoming certified to a nationally or internationally recognised standard is of great benefit to an organization. It improves overall performance, builds confidence within stakeholder groups and broadens the scope of new opportunity.

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