How To Get ISO Certification

ISO certifications are assurances that an organisation meets certain quality assurance and standardisation requirements. As a globally recognised standard for quality management, ISO certification is the best way to ensure that your organisation is up to date with all relevant regulatory requirements.

How to get ISO certification

You might be wondering how to get ISO certification. Well, it’s actually a pretty straightforward process in most instances. An internationally recognised compliance certification organisation such as GCC can audit, train, review, and ensure that your company is up to code with any relevant ISO certification standards. You can get in touch today to find out more.

What kind of ISO certification does my business need?

Several ISO certifications can apply to your business, depending on your industry. Though there are general certifications — such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 — your company may also require more specialised certifications such as ISO 27001, which deals with information and data security. Below, we’ve given a breakdown of a few different varieties of ISO certification and how they can benefit your business.

General Quality Management System (QMS)

Though most ISO certifications are specialised for certain industries, ISO 9001 is a general standard that is designed to provide a baseline for quality management that is globally recognised. The principles of ISO 9001 showcase that a business has been accredited for its effective relationship management, customer focus, process approach, leadership, and evidence-based decision making.

As this is a general standard, it is arguably the most sought-after and widely implemented QMS in the world. There are roughly five core aspects of a business that are scrutinised when seeking ISO 9001 accreditation:

  • End-to-end product delivery

Your organisation will be tested on its ability to comply with standards from a product’s initial idea phase to its final delivery.

  • Work environment and resource management

To be compliant with ISO 9001, your organisation must showcase a stable working environment that fosters intelligent resource management in the long term. This is why it is essential that you conduct training sessions prior to certification.

  • Leadership responsibilities

The effectiveness and efficiency of leadership roles are crucial to achieving ISO 9001 certification. This is why all facets of a business must be involved in preparing for certification.

  • General QMS audit

All quality management systems will be audited and reviewed by a globally recognised compliance certification organisation to meet all standards.

Benefits of ISO 9001

ISO certification isn’t just a piece of paper — it demonstrates that a business has been officially audited and its professional capabilities and responsibilities have been verified. This provides an organisation with a clear path for sustained quality assurance and an advantage over businesses that have not been officially accredited. ISO 9001 also helps with efficiency by reducing employee on-boarding time, increasing customer confidence, and creating a clear path for business performance and risk assessment. This is invaluable to the company, customers, and investors alike.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

All businesses must manage their environmental impact responsibly. ISO 14001 is an EMS that effectively provides a framework that an organisation can follow to identify their impact on the environment, work on solutions to prevent and reduce pollution, ensure legal and regulatory compliance, and continue operating responsibly.

Benefits of ISO 14001

ISO 14001 certification proves that an organisation has been thoroughly audited, tested, and reviewed to comply with governmental standards and regulations to protect the environment and create plans for sustainability. This allows organisations to attract like-minded investors, improve waste and energy management, foster sustainable development, reduce insurance premiums and waste handling costs, and show a willingness to commit to a greener future.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S)

ISO 45001 certification is closely tied to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and replaces OHSAS 18001 and AS/NZS 4801. This QMS focuses on a clear and effective framework for safety in the workplace. Gaining ISO 45001 accreditation helps organisations of any size adopt a unified system of OH&S across multiple sites and countries. This ensures that all levels of the organisation are compliant with safety regulations.

Benefits of ISO 45001

Official OH&S certification allows organisations to show customers, investors, and judiciary officiators alike several key things:

  • Compliance with legal requirements
  • Proven ability to reduce risks in the workplace
  • Increased efficiency due to clear planning
  • Potential reduction in insurance premiums

Information Security Management System

ISO 27001 — also known as IEC 27001 — is the international standard for defining Information Security Management System (ISMS) requirements. This certification is a joint publication from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). ISMS accreditation shows that your organisation is up to date with all relevant data management regulations and uses and stores data responsibly.

Benefits of ISO 27001

Any company that deals with sensitive information must deal with data responsibly and effectively. ISO 27001 certification ensures that organisations train their staff to have a clearly defined information security policy that controls risk identification and management. This lowers the risk of cyber attacks, protects customers’ data and guarantees compliance with all regulatory bodies and laws. ISO 27001 gives organisations the ability to protect their assets, fostering investor confidence and assuring customers that their data will be handled and protected responsibly.

Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

For any organisation that works with food, ISO 22000 certification is essential to demonstrate an ability to manage and control safety hazards that arise from food handling. As the international standard for FSMS, ISO 22000 comprehensively prepares an organisation for complete compliance with regulatory bodies and laws to protect customer health and safety — this aligns with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

Benefits of ISO 22000

ISO 22000 accreditation ensures that your organisation has a clear strategy for hazard analysis, control monitoring, record keeping, regulatory compliance, and general food-related health and safety. As ISO 22000 is internationally recognised, your organisation will be up to date with all regulations to provide investors and customers with the confidence they need to do business with you. This can have a positive financial impact on your business and will align with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Global Compliance Certification (GCC)

For more information on the different types of ISO certifications or to learn how to get ISO certification, contact GCC today and speak to one of our team — we would be happy to help your organisation meet all the requirements for ISO certification.