Resources for NDIS Providers
Here you can find information regarding the NDIS audit process and pathways.
This page allows you to download fact sheets and access videos that can assist your NDIS certification journey.
- Certification Audit Process
- Verification Audit Process
- Scope Variation Process
- Re-Verification Audit Process
- Re-Certification Audit Process
- Qualification Requirements – NDIS Providers
- Provisional Audit Process
- NDIS Audit Preparation Process
- Midterm Audit Process
- Managing Non-Conformities
- Maintaining NDIS Registration
- How to Find Your ARN
- Follow-up Audit Process
- Change of ABN Process
Video Resources
- How to Apply For Your NDIS Registration: Step-By-Step Guide
- What is the Difference Between Verification vs Certification?
- Can I Change The ABN I Am Registered In?
- What Do I Need For My NDIS Re-Certification Audit?
- Understanding Mid-term Audits
- What Qualifications Do I Need to be an NDIS Provider?
- How to Manage Non-Conformities
- What is a Provisional Audit
- Maintaining NDIS Certification
- What is the NDIS Audit Cycle
How to Apply For Your NDIS Registration Step-By-Step Guide
What Do I Need for My NDIS Re-certification
How to Manage Non-Conformities
What is the Difference Between Verification vs Certification?
Understanding Mid-Term Audits
What is a Provisional Audit
What is the NDIS Audit Cycle
Can I Change The ABN I Am Registered In?
What Qualifications Do I Need to be an NDIS Provider?
Maintaining NDIS Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
NDIS Audit process Questions
Our flexible booking approach means we're ready when you are. Our NDIS Coordinator will talk to you about the requirements you need to meet for a successful audit. We will provide you with the information you need to prepare for the audit and only then schedule a date.
This allows us to book you in quickly, once we know you are ready.
We strive to use local auditors to save our clients unnecessary costs. We have auditors in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Newcastle, Wollongong, Bendigo, Ballarat, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Geelong, Mornington Peninsula, and other regional areas.
The NDIS Commission will undertake a formal assessment in accordance with internal procedures and legislative requirements. They will be in contact with you if there is any further information required to assist the NDIS Commissioner in making the final decision.
There is no legislated timeframe regarding finalising an application after audit report has been received. This all depends on the complexity of each application. The Commission are working on case-by-case basis to finalise each application accordingly with due process.
The NDIS Commission will email you the outcome once your application is processed and a decision made.
They are processing a high volume of applications and ask for your patience.
If you wish to enquire about the status of your application, please contact the NDIS Commission directly - 1800 035 544
If they request any additional information from us, we will keep you updated so you are aware of the progress of your application.
NDIS Certification cost and NDIS Verification cost can vary depending on the NDIS registration groups, the number of NDIS participants, number of outlets and NDIS workers. If you could provide GCC with a copy of your 'initial scope of audit & self-assessment summary' provided by the NDIS commission, the information within will assist us to provide you with a NDIS quote.
Should you have any questions on the process or how to proceed, please do not hesitate to contact GCC Office.
NDIS Audit Requirements Questions
A comprehensive checklist will be provided to you if you decide to undertake your audit with GCC.
You will also have an NDIS Audit Coordinator to assist you with any questions you have.
As auditors, we are unable to provide you with templates or policies, etc., but we can guide you in the right direction if you have a question about how to meet the requirements.
The focus areas of the audit will be:
- Policies and procedures (systems) to meet the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators relevant to your scope.
- Worker Screening documents and evidence of appropriate qualifications (where applicable)
- Business insurance
You may download webpage.
The required qualifications for each occupation group are set by the NDIS Commission and consider professional registration requirements and the industry requirements.
The last pages of the document outline the qualification required for each registration group. As you scroll up you will see what evidence the auditor will need to sight to evidence the qualifications.
Level 1 and 2 support coordination fall under registration group 0106 - Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions, and supports. This registration group does not have any mandatory qualifications or memberships to be able to deliver supports and falls under the Core Module standards. Providers must demonstrate suitability by meeting the Core Module Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. Auditors will consider how the provider is managing any potential risks associated with the delivery of this support/service and any specific opportunities for improvement.
Level 3, known as 0132 Specialist Support Coordination, is a specialised registration group centred around complex participant needs and circumstances. Typically, Social Workers and Psychologists are approved however each submission is subject to individual assessment of qualifications, memberships, and professional development by the Commission. Providers must demonstrate suitability by meeting the Core Module and Module 4 Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. Auditors will consider how the provider is managing any potential risks associated with the delivery of this support/service and any specific opportunities for improvement.
NDIS Worker Screening Check is a new, national check that assesses if a person who works with people with a disability poses any risk to participants. It is now available across all states and territories in Australia.
See the requirements, and links for different states here.
Here are 5 tips to get you ready for your NDIS Audit. Click here.
NDIS Registration questions
You can complete an “application for variation of registration” form (obtained from the NDIS Commission) to request removal of a registration group between audits. Otherwise, simply do not claim any line items that fall under that registration category for the period of your registration. Once it comes time for renewal of your registration you can select to remove it.
The NDIS Commission does not charge a fee for registration.
- Provisional audits assess the documentation and readiness of a provider to start providing NDIS services. It does not require involvement from participants or seek evidence of implementation. If you undertake a provisional audit, you will be required to undergo a full certification audit within 18 months of your registration being granted.
- Full Certification audits are completed by providers who are registered with the NDIS Commission and/or have existing participants. Stage 1 looks at the documented systems (policies and procedures etc.) and then during stage 2 of the audit, the auditor will interview participants and workers. This is done to ensure the companies systems are being implemented appropriately. A mid-term audit is required 18 months after the NDIS approves the application. The mid-term audit reviews the Governance and Operational Management practice standards as well as various focus areas depending on the providers’ previous audit.
- A certificate of currency for current insurance that meets the minimum level of cover commensurate to the scope of the provider.
- Providers should seek professional advice as to the type and amount of insurance that is necessary.
- Public liability is mandatory in most cases.
- Professional indemnity insurance is required when you provide professional advice as a part of your services.
- If you have workers, you may need to have workers' compensation insurance.
You can only provide services to NDIA managed participants once the NDIS Commission has approved your application and sent you a certificate of registration.
Providers often want to change from a sole trader to a company for tax purposes however there may be other reasons you wish to change your ABN.
The NDIS Commission tracks provider registration based on the providers ABN. This means, any changes to the ABN will require the provider to apply for a new registration under that ABN with the commission.
We have assisted many providers through this process and provide notification to the NDIS Commission on your behalf. Please contact us and we can assist you.
An unregistered service provider is aprovider who has not completed the NDIS approval process. The provider still can offer services to self managed and plan managed participants. If you are an unregistered provider, you will still need to meet certain requirements and ensure you follow the NDIS code of conduct.
Unregistered providers and their workers need to follow the NDIS Code of Conduct. The NDIS compliance requirement also applies to unregistered providers, and anyone can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission about a provider or worker regardless of registration status.
Unregistered provider must be able to effectively manage complaints about the quality and safety of supports and services being provided. This includes worker screening, see details on this webpage.
Read more about unregistered provider obligations here.